Customer Testimonials

At Review Roster, nothing matters to us more than 100% customer satisfaction. We strive to make sure every detail is perfect and our customers receive the best possible experience. We’ll go out of our way to do that. That’s our guarantee.

Thank you for following through and keeping in touch. We appreciate the extra effort.

Glad they were all able to get posted this time.

Take care,


Echo 6 Games

Great work. Thanks.

I actually would like to get more reviews.


Wattson App Founder

What a brilliant idea and service. I truly enjoyed the entire experience - I am super thrilled that. Review Roster focuses so much on customer service. Would recommend.

Wayne Johnson

App Development Studio Founder

We got real reviews from real people on the App Store. Some were positive - some were not.

We’re excited that they were all real and we can now focus on improving some features of the App.


Business Card Scanning App

The reviews helped increase our App rankings. We got reviews from different countries and rankings in all of them improved.

I would recommend Review Roster.


Chinese App Development Studio

Repeat and ongoing customer.


Marketing Manager

Keep up the good work guys!

Chatlenge App

@Chatlenge - Twitter

Good as is, real people, real reviews, this is what I was looking for.

Yuri Nesh - Axiomap App


Review Roster staff is so kindly and service quality so good.. I will use again.. Thanks!

Brian - TID Global Corp.

Marketing Manager

I've been happy with the service.

Moto Wheelie App
